Monday, June 24, 2013

Shadows and Light - A Street Light Like No Other

by Mistie Dawn

I have just discovered a REALLY cool and exciting Kickstarter project from a company called Shadows and Light. I'm a big fan of crowdfunding as well as new green technologies and when they are all combined into one, even better! Enters Shadows and Light. A company who is developing a smart street light. It runs on solar energy using LED bulbs creating an emissions free street lamp that can provide a wifi and telephony network to the public. Connecting the world and saving Cities energy and billions in costs used to run the typical street light and those aren't the only benefits. Their Kickstarter video provides a lot more information including how these street lights can help emerging and developing countries.

According to Shadows and Light website their mission is to: promote a green and smart solution that brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world, changing lives, and helping transform communities through connectivity and streetlight. Improved street lighting is widely thought to be an effective way of preventing crime and street violence.

Recharge and connect through the solare generated Wifi
Imagine being able connect your smart devices anywhere there is a street light and it is all generated via solar power? You could also recharge your devices. No more worrying about running out of power or not be able to get a signal. I'm sure your wondering what these smart street lights would look like. 

Smart Street Light Upclose

Key features of the Smart Street Light

They look like normal street lights and yet they are so much better! Communities around the world currently without a reliable electrical infrastructure would be able to generate light and improve their communication systems all while making their communities safer. It is a very exciting and interesting concept. But don't just take my word for it. Tell me what are your thoughts about it? 

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